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Loceryl is used to treat fungal infections of the nails.

Loceryl contains the active ingredient amorolfine (as the hydrochloride), which belongs to a group of medicines known as antifungals. It kills a wide variety of fungi that can cause nail infections.

Instructions for use

Step 1. File the nail

Before the first application, file down the infected areas of nail, including the nail surface, as much as possible using the nail file provided.

CAUTION: Do not use nail files used for infected nails on healthy nails, otherwise you may spread the infection.

To prevent the spread of infection take care that no one else uses the files from your kit.

Step 2. Clean the nail

Use one of the swabs provided to clean the nail surface.

Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each affected nail.

Step 3. Take some lacquer from the bottle

Dip the applicator into the bottle of nail lacquer. The lacquer must not be wiped off on the edge of the bottle before it is applied.

Step 4. Apply the lacquer

Apply the nail lacquer evenly over the entire surface of the nail.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each affected nail.

Step 5. Allow to dry

Let the treated nail(s) dry for approximately 3 minutes.

Wait at least 10 minutes before applying cosmetic nail varnish.

Step 6. Clean the applicator

The applicator provided is re-usable. However, it is important to clean it thoroughly after completing each treatment procedure, using the same swab you used for nail cleansing. Avoid touching newly treated nails with the swab.

Close the nail lacquer bottle tightly. Dispose of the swab carefully as it is inflammable.

  • Before using Loceryl again, first remove the old lacquer and any nail varnish from your nails using a swab, then file down the nails again if necessary.
  • Re-apply the lacquer as described above.
  • When dry the nail lacquer is unaffected by soap and water, so you may wash your hands and feet as normal. If you need to use chemicals such as paint thinners or white spirit, rubber or other impermeable (waterproof) gloves should be worn to protect the lacquer on your fingernails.
  • It is important to carry on using Loceryl until the infection has cleared and healthy nails have grown back. This usually takes 6 months for finger nails and 9 to 12 months for toe nails.

Your doctor will probably check how your treatment is progressing every 3 months or so.